

Technology Contract Negotiation

Technology Contract Negotiation

Negotiating contracts can be a complex and challenging process. Whether you are dealing with vendors, customers, partners, or employees, you need to ensure that your contracts are fair, compliant, and aligned with your financial institution’s goals.

At Remedy Consulting, we offer professional technology contract negotiation services to help you achieve the best possible outcomes on your contracts. We have the expertise, experience, and tools to help you:

  • Review and analyze existing technology contracts and identify areas of improvement or risk.
  • Draft and revise contract terms and clauses that protect the financial institution and meet your objectives.
  • Negotiate with the technology vendor in a respectful and collaborative manner.
  • Resolve any disputes or issues that may arise during the negotiation process.
  • Finalize and execute the contract with confidence and clarity.
  • Save money through Remedy’s Price Repository.

We can handle any type of technology contract work including:

  • Core Contract Renewals
  • Digital contracts
  • Debit and Credit Card contracts
  • Extended service agreements
  • Software licenses
  • Bank M&A agreements, conversion/deconversion issues
  • Technology partnership agreements
  • And more

What is Remedy’s Price Repository?

Remedy's Price Repository contains all previous deals negotiated by Remedy. We analyze our client's rates against deals negotiated in the previous 24 months, looking for common criteria, such as the size of the financial institution and the set of services purchased, among others.

If we do not feel that our client is receiving market-based pricing in their current contract, we ensure that they are treated fairly when they renew. For clients that are changing providers, whether that be Core, Digital, Payments, Item Processing, Cards, or any other significant vendor-provided service, Remedy has the expertise to negotiate your best deal.

Why Select Remedy Consulting?

We are more than just a contract negotiation service provider. We are your trusted partner and advisor. We understand your financial institution’s needs and challenges, and we tailor our services to suit your specific situation. We also leverage our industry knowledge and best practices to help you optimize your contract performance and avoid potential pitfalls.

When you work with us, you can expect:

  • Quality: We deliver high-quality work that meets or exceeds your expectations.
  • Efficiency: We work effectively, without compromising on quality or accuracy.
  • Flexibility: We adapt to your changing needs and preferences, and we offer customized solutions that fit your budget and timeline. We an agile consulting group.
  • Communication: We communicate with you regularly and transparently, and we keep you informed of the progress and status of your contract negotiations.
  • Satisfaction: We strive to achieve your complete satisfaction and build long-term relationships/partnerships with your financial institution.

Contact Us Today

If you are looking for a reliable and professional technology contract negotiation service provider, look no further than Remedy Consulting. We are ready to assist you with any technology contract negotiation needs you may have.

Contact us today to get a free audit and a quote for our services.

We look forward to hearing from you and helping you with your upcoming contract negotiations.

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